context & objectives


Women in almost all EU member states have less support for training on how to start and grow a business.

Women mostly do not receive quality accompaniment, finding a large gap in the supply of mentoring, especially during the crises.

People who started and failed are often left out, even if research shows that they are more likely to succeed when they start over again.

Globally, around 50% of cultural employment is held by women.


The artistic and creative industries are the third-largest employer in the EU but have been dramatically affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gender equality is a vital issue for the arts and creative industries and has been selected as one of the five sectoral priorities for EU action in the EU Roadmap for Culture 2019-2022.


Mentors will receive the knowledge and tools to develop an appealing mentoring offer to support women entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries who are seeking to restart. The program will focus on building confidence in their personal and entrepreneurial skills.


It also aims to increase awareness and preparation for failure and problems, overcome them, and cope psychologically with them to maintain the business despite the barriers they face. The program will be dedicated to developing and enhancing the skills of mentor in various  sectors.


Potential mentees are restarting women entrepreneurs, including both those who have already failed (e.g. bankruptcy, discontinuation of work) or are currently failing and, wish to start a business but do not have the entrepreneurial skills to start again their own business.



Women entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries, who are seeking a fresh start in business, will receive comprehensive training in digital skills, essential entrepreneurial abilities, and the vital soft skills required in the 21st century.   



RestART Objectives

Facilitate the identification and understanding of the critical challenges and opportunities that women face in restarting a new business in the arts and creative industry.

Enhance the skills of mentors in an integrated way to replicate this effect and generate an impact on women entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries.

Identify the main hard entrepreneurial skills and 21st-century skills required for women restarting women entrepreneurs in the arts and creative industries.

Create dynamic networking between mentors and restarting entrepreneurs in the arts and creative sector through an online and interactive platform.